Matt Ibarra and I wanted a fun project. My girlfriend Amanda wanted a table. I wanted to program LEDs.Thus, we decided on an Infinity table. We accomplished this build in one night! The programming took another couple nights to iron out.
The Result
The Materials
Arduino Uno Adafruit Neopixel 60 LED Strip (Black) - 4 Meters
36x24” Frameless Rectangular Mirror
30x36” Sheet of Plexiglass
2x3x8 Lumber x6
STRONG Double Sided Tape - Crucial for mounting LEDs inside the frame
3 ft. x 15 ft. Mirror Privacy Window Film - You will need an extra sheet or two, because you will mess this up the first time.
The Build
Matt and I got started by loading the Adafruit Neopixel Library + some test code onto our Arduino. We attached the Arduino to the LED strip and checked that everything worked.
We headed to Home Depot to pick up materials. It took a couple trips to get everything just right (and our original table design mutated into a new beast).
If you’re looking for fun programming challenges, why not tackle automatic fading in between RGB values? Amanda gave me ~50 RGb values that she wanted to slowly fade back and forth - quite a novel challenge to auto-interpolate brightness values. I learned a bit about pointers.
I also played around with the FastLED3.1 library, which is quite fun and rewarding to work with.
Many thanks to Mark Kriegsman for his work on the FastLED library.