Hi, this is my basic ramming bot. I hope it gives you some ideas regarding moving, firing, and following other bots. This bot is not very intelligent, it loses about 70% of the time to my advanced targeting robot.
However, it is useful and instructive to run this bot against something you’re developing, as it is good at exposing big movement weaknesses - this bot will win if you let it follow you around the map!
To download the package for importing into Robocode, click the button.
—- Codesize —- Codesize: 1052 bytes Robot weight class: MiniBot (codesize < 1500 bytes)
package def;
import robocode.*;
import static robocode.util.Utils.normalRelativeAngleDegrees;
import java.awt.Color;
// API help : <a href="http://robocode.sourceforge.net/docs/robocode/robocode/Robot.html">http://robocode.sourceforge.net/docs/robocode/robocode/Robot.html</a>
* def_rammer_a1 - a robot by Davis Ford
public class def_rammer_a1 extends Robot
* I have added some initialization values here to keep track of stats in rounds.
* The hope is that I can use these counters to help me plan my next steps. They aren't useful except for debugging/getting better at the game.
int turnDirection = 1; // Clockwise or counterclockwise
double timesHitWall=0;
double timesShootBullet=0;
double timesHitOpponent=0;
double timesMissedOpponent=0;
double timesRammedOpponent = 0;
double timesHitByOpponent = 0;
public void run() {
while (true) {
turnRight(5 * turnDirection);
* onScannedRobot: What to do when you see another robot
* In this case, if we happen to scan a robot, we will fire
public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
// Calculate exact location of the robot
double absoluteBearing = getHeading() + e.getBearing();
double bearingFromGun = normalRelativeAngleDegrees(absoluteBearing - getGunHeading());
// If it's close enough, fire!
if (Math.abs(bearingFromGun) <= 3) {
// We MUST check getGunHeat(), because if it's greater than 0 and we attempt to fire(), we will lose a turn
// If getGunHeat = 0, we are allowed to shoot. Consult the wiki for more on barrel heat and shooting.
if (getGunHeat() == 0) {
fire(Math.min(3 - Math.abs(bearingFromGun), getEnergy() - .1));
if (e.getBearing() >= 0) {
turnDirection = 1;
} else {
turnDirection = -1;
ahead(e.getDistance() + 5);
scan(); // Might want to move ahead again!
* onHitByBullet: What to do when you're hit by a bullet
* In our case, we're just printing to the console. THis is a VERY basic rambot, better ones would dodge.
public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) {
out.println(e.getName() + " hit me with a " + e.getPower() + " power shot");
out.println("My energy is " + getEnergy());
timesHitByOpponent++; //This updates our counter, you will see this frequently in my code, I enjoy verbose robot outputs.
//They help me debug behavioral problems
* onHitWall: What to do when you hit a wall
public void onHitWall(HitWallEvent e) {
// Bounce off, and log it.
turnRight (e.getBearing());
out.println("I have hit a wall " + timesHitWall + " times this round.");
* onBulletHit: What to do when you hit the enemy with a bullet
public void onBulletHit(BulletHitEvent e) {
out.println("I hit " + e.getName());
out.println(e.getName() + " has " + e.getEnergy() + " Energy remaining");
* onBulletMissed: What to do when our shot misses.
public void onBulletMissed(BulletMissedEvent event) {
* This is the most important part of this bot, since it's a rammer.
public void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent e) {
if (e.getBearing() >= 0) {
turnDirection = 1;
} else {
turnDirection = -1;
if(getGunHeat() == 0){
if (e.getEnergy() > 16) {
} else if (e.getEnergy() > 10) {
} else if (e.getEnergy() > 4) {
} else if (e.getEnergy() > 2) {
} else if (e.getEnergy() > .4) {
ahead(40); // Ram him again!
* This chunk is just for debrief after a round. I'm trying to pin down how many times I am hitting the fucking wall!
public void onRoundEnded(RoundEndedEvent e) {
out.println("-----------END OF ROUND--------------");
out.println("Walls hit: " + timesHitWall);
out.println("Shots: " + timesShootBullet);
out.println("Hits: " + timesHitOpponent);
out.println("Misses: " + timesMissedOpponent);
out.println("Accuracy: " + (timesHitOpponent / timesShootBullet) * 100 + "%");
out.println("Ramming Incidents: " + timesRammedOpponent);
out.println("Hit By Enemy Bullets: " + timesHitByOpponent);
public void onDeath(DeathEvent e) {
out.println("-----------I DIED--------------");
out.println("Walls hit: " + timesHitWall);
out.println("Shots: " + timesShootBullet);
out.println("Hits: " + timesHitOpponent);
out.println("Misses: " + timesMissedOpponent);
out.println("Accuracy: " + (timesHitOpponent / timesShootBullet) * 100 + "%");
out.println("Ramming Incidents: " + timesRammedOpponent);
out.println("Hit By Enemy Bullets: " + timesHitByOpponent);
public void onWin(WinEvent e) {
// Victory dance