If you’re struggling to dynamically resize your Kibana iFrames, you will need two things: Javascript and HTML.
Below is some inline Javascript that will be run onload
for each iframe. It is important to note that this script will only work on Kibana tables - not other types of visualizations.
Basically, the script checks to see if the Kibana table has loaded yet - if not, it resets the function with a recursive loop.
Once the Kibana iframe’s table has loaded, we grab that height, and resize the iframe accordingly.
/* Waits 1 second then checks the iframe again */
function wait_for_load(id) {
return setTimeout(() => setIframeHeight(id), 1000)
Called by each iframe onload.
Checks if the Kibana table has loaded
And resizes the iframe when it does
function setIframeHeight(id) {
if (!id) return;
const ifrm = document.getElementById(id); // Get our iFrame element using the id
if (!ifrm) return;
// If the Kibana iframe table hasn't fully loaded yet, restart this function after a wait
if (!ifrm.contentDocument || !ifrm.contentDocument.body ||
ifrm.contentDocument.body.getElementsByTagName('table').length === 0) {
return wait_for_load(id)
// Finally! The table has loaded. Let's get the table height and resize the iframe
const table_height = ifrm.contentDocument.body.getElementsByTagName('table')[0].offsetHeight + 46;
// The extra 46px of padding helps us avoid IE and Chrome scrollbars on Windows
ifrm.style.height = table_height + 'px';
console.log('We exited the loop for ' + id + ' after setting a height of ' + table_height + 'px');
<!-- Note that the iframes have their onload attribute set to call the above functions -->
<iframe id="table1" style="width: 100%;"
frameborder="0" scrolling="no"
<iframe id="table2" style="width: 100%;"
frameborder="0" scrolling="no"